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Wijckel church 


Family of Jan^5 (John) Van Wicklen 

Jan^5 (John) Van Wicklen (Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), bap. 4 June 1761, Wolver Hollow, NY

Married: Christina Traver (b. 1762/3, Rhinebeck, Dutchess, NY), 5 May 1785 (There are competing claims to Christina's birth and parentage. There are two IGI references: (1) File #538597 which lists Christina as d/o Joseph and Rebecca (VanEtten) Treber and bap. 2 October 1763 and (2) File # 538559 which lists Christina as d/o Frederick and Maria Barbara (Eckert) Treber and bap. on 27 September 1762.) 
> Ancestors of Christina Traver -- following parents of Frederick and Maria Treber can be viewed at the web site listed in the resource section 

1. Maria^6 Van Wicklen (bap. 1785, Rhinebeck RDC, Dutchess, NY) (listed in familysearch.com as Maria Van Wyckele)
2. Rebecca^6 Van Wicklen (b. 19 March 1786)(from a family Bible inscription in the possession of Malcolm Montgomery, 
a descendent of Hugh Montgomery, Rebecca's husband)
3. John^6 Van Wicklen (bap. 1788, Gilead Evangelical Lutheran Church at Brunswick, Rensselaer, NY)(listed in 
familysearch.com as John Van Wicklaer)
4. Elisabeth^6 Van Wicklen (bap. 1789, St. Paul's Lutheran, Wurtemburg, Dutchess, NY) (listed in familysearch.com as 
Elisabeth Van Wickele)
5. Adam^6 Van Wicklin (bap. 1791, St. Paul's Lutheran, Wurtemburg, Dutchess, NY)
6. Christina^6 Van Wicklen (bap. 1793, St. Paul's Lutheran, Wurtemburg, Dutchess, NY)
7. Sarah^6 Van Wicklen (bap. 1795, St. Peter's Lutheran, Rhinebeck, Dutchess, NY)
8. Catherina^6 Van Wicklen (bap. 1797, St. Peter's Lutheran, Rhinebeck, Dutchess, NY)
9. Cornelis^6 Van Wicklin (bap. 1799, St. Paul's Lutheran, Wurtemburg, Dutchess, NY)
10. Dirck^6 Van Wicklin (bap. 1801, St. Paul's Lutheran, Wurtemburg, Dutchess, NY)
11. Clara^6 Van Wicklin (bap. 1803, St. Paul's Lutheran, Wurtemburg, Dutchess, NY)
12. Jacob^6 Van Wicklin (bap. 1804, St. Peter's Lutheran, Rhinebeck, Dutchess, NY)

Jan's parents are Paul and Hendrickye (Remsen) Van Wicklen 

Christina's parents are: (There are competing claims to Christina's birth and parentage. There are two IGI references: (1) File #538597 which lists Christina as d/o Joseph and Rebecca (VanEtten) Treber and bap. 2 October 1763 and (2) File # 538559 which lists Christina as d/o Frederick and Maria Barbara (Eckert) Treber and bap. on 27 September 1762.)

Background information:

John^5 Van Wicklen
(Paul^4, Garret^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes) was bap. 4 June 1761 and m. Christina Traver 5 May 1785. (There are competing claims to Christina's birth and parentage. There are two IGI references: (1) File #538597 which lists Christina as d/o Joseph and Rebecca (VanEtten) Treber and bap. 2 October 1763 and (2) File # 538559 which lists Christina as d/o Frederick and Maria Barbara (Eckert) Treber and bap. on 27 September 1762.) John^5 moved to Cramahe Township, Ontario in 1810 and is mentioned in 1790 United States Census. He is named along with brother Jacob^5 in 1815 will of Uncle John^4 (Garret3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes). All of their children were baptized in Dutchess Co. Several of the children appear to change spelling of name to Van Wicklin.

Harry Macy, Jr. wrote the following in an attachment to a letter to me dated28 August 1999:

Christina Traver came from a well-known German Palatine family of that area (Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, NY). In the 1790 census, Town of Clinton, Dutchess Co., he had one male 16+, one male under 16, four females. At the 1800 census same town, two males under 10, one male 10 to 16, one male 26 to 45; two females under 10, two 10-16, one 16-26, one 26-45. Listed both times as John Van Weekly. The last record of him in New York is the baptism of his son Jacob in 1804, and since some of his sons subsequently appear in Canada it is possible the whole family migrated there. He is named with brother Jacob in the 1815 will of their uncle John of Long island, but that record does not say where they were living at the time. John and Christina had the following children baptized in Dutchess Co. (all the baptismal witnesses were from the Traver family.

Children: Maria^6 Van Wicklen was b. 23 January 1785 and bap. 13 March 1785 in Rhinebeck Reformed Church, Dutchess Co., NY (The church record is: Maria Van Wyckele with parents John and Christina (Traver) Van Wyckele.) A census indicates that a son and two daughters were born before 1790 and these children are unnamed in that census. However, research listed on familysearch.com and a family Bible reference may have named these children as follows: Rebecca^6 Van Wicklen (b. 19 March 1786)(from a family Bible inscription in the possession of Malcolm Montgomery, a descendent of Hugh and Rebecca (Van Wicklin) Montgomery. Rebecca died in 6 November 1860 and Hugh in 1867. John^6 Van Wicklen (bap. 15 June 1788, Gilead Evangelical Lutheran Church at Brunswick, Rensselaer, NY)(listed in church record as John Van Wicklaer, parents John and Christina Van Wicklaer) (Harry Macy writes: The 1828 Northumberland Militia also lists a John Van Wicklin age 37, i.e. born 1790/1 who must fit in here somewhere. If actually slightly older, he could be the son born by the 1790 census. A John "Van Wickle" born in the 1790s shows up in Albany, NY in the 1830 census and has not been identified.) Elisabeth^6 Van Wicklen (bap. 18 October 1789, St. Paul's Lutheran, Wurtemburg, Dutchess, NY) (listed in church record as Elisabeth Van Wickele with parents John and Christina Van Wickele) The remaining children are as follows: Adam^6 Van Wicklin was b. 13 Sepember 1791 and bap. 20 November 1791 in St Paul's Lutheran of Wurtemburg, Rhinebeck, Dutchess, NY (Listed in church record as Adam Van Wickela with parents John and Christina Van Wickela). He married Mary BOICE (29 August 1811 (dau. of Andrew and Elizabeth (Hartman) Boice), and was living in Ernestown, near Kingston, Ontario at the time. (Cousin Benjamen^6 Van Wicklin m Eunice Hartman a day later on 30 August 1811 also in Ernestown perhaps by a circuit rider preacher.) Christina^6 Van Wicklen was b. 19 October 1793 and bap. 1 December 1793 in St. Paul’s Lutheran of Wurtemberg, Rhinebeck (Church record lists her as Christina Van Wiekly with parents Johannes and Christina Van Wiekly). Sarah^6 Van Wicklin was b. 18 February 1795 and bap. 7 June 1795 at St. Peter's Lutheran, Rhinebeck, Dutchess, NY (Church record lists her as Sara Van Wickly with parents Johannes and Christina Van Wickly). Catharina^6 Van Wicklin was b. 17 February 1797 and bap. 17 April 1797 St. Peter's Lutheran, Rhinebeck, Dutchess, NY (Church record lists her as Catharina Van Wickly with parents Johannes and Christina Van Wickly). (One of the three daughters--Maria, Christina, or Catharina--appears to have died before the 1800 census which reports only 2 females under 10 living in the household.) Cornelis^6 Van Wicklin was b. 17 May 1799 and bap. 16 June 1799, St. Paul's, Wurtemburg, Rhinebeck. (Church record lists him as Cornelis Van Winkelan with parents Jan and Christina Van Winkelan.) Cornelius served in the Northumberland Militia (1828 --see Ont. Register, Vol 1, 1968, p. 238). Cornelius apparently drowned in 1866 in Seymour Township where he resided at the time. [See source section below] Dirck^6 (Richard) Van Wicklin was b. 24 April 1801 and bap. 28 June 1801 in St. Paul’s, Wurtemburg, Dutchess, NY. Church record lists him as Cornelis Van Wickla with parents John and Christina Van Wickla. (He may have been the Richard Van Wicklin who served in Northumberland Militia in 1828 (Ont. Register, Vol. 1, 1968, p. 238). Clara^6 Van Wicklin, b. 12 January 1803 and bap. 1803 St. Paul’s, Wurtemburg, Rhinebeck. Church record lists her as Clara Van Wickly with parents John and Christina Van Wickly. Jacob^6 Van Wicklin b. 1804 and bap. 16 September 1804 St. Peter's, Rhinebeck, Dutchess, NY. Church record lists him as Jacob Van Wickel with parents Jan and Christina Van Wickel. Sponsors of baptism are John A. and Margareth Traber. (Source: Baptismal record of St Peter's Lutheran Church, Rhinebeck: 1733-1899.) Jacob m. Mary ______ (b. 1802) before 1838. They had a daughter, Sarah^7 Van Wicklen b. 1838 Jacob also served in the Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada Militia in 1828. In 1871 Ontario Census he resided in Elgin, Malahide Township.

Cramahe Township Census, 1810

Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and 
Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 4 (October 1997); p. 243-244.

IGI; www.familysearch.com

Email correspondence with Malcolm Montgomery (great great grandson of Rebecca (Van Wicklen) Montgomery) during October/November 1999 along with Family Bible inscription that Malcolm has for Rebecca Van Wicklin. (Malcolm draws primarily upon census data from Dutchess County and Ontario, Canada)

Email correspondence with sonnyw@mw.sisna.com who alerted me (via Cheryl Viger in an 11 October 2000 email) that there are competing claims to Christina's birth year and parentage. Sonny claims that the following resources list the 1762 year of birth and Joseph and Rebecca (VanEtten) Traver/Treber as parents:
(1) The Traver Treber Family: Descendents of Johan Nicholas Traver by Jerome Travel (1983) with co-authors Mildred Librecht, Shirley Ann, Oliver C. Traver, Birdeen Patton Traver, and Richard L. Green.
(2) Arthur Stones Traver Web page on the Descendents of Johas Nicholas Traver. See link for confirmation of parents of Christina at http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/s/t/o/Arthur-J-Stone/GENE1-0007.html (A hard copy of this file is in my possession.)

Ontario Register, Vol., 1, 1968

U.S. Census data, 1790 and 1800

3 August 2000 email from Malcolm Montgomery: Rebecca (Van Wicklin) Montgomery traveled north from Duchess County with her brother John; which begs the question why did they remain behind in the first place and what caused them to move north together, trouble or free land? What happened in some circumstances when a family moved to Canada because of trouble--rather than firesale the farm--someone was left behind to move when things cooled down. John, as the eldest male, could have assumed that role. There was a significant amount of cross border movement from right after the Revolution to the start of the War of 1812. The fact that Isaac's sons were soldiers in that conflict suggests that Isaac was a loyalist, as the Loyalists felt they had the most to lose should America be successful. That cross-border movement was centered in Northumberland County, Canada to and from Dutchess County in the States. According to Almand Spencer, Hugh Montgomery was educated and when they came they had money...so in that sense they weren't the destitute refugees. We need to find out if any of the Van Wicklin brothers were Loyalists...and we need to go to Duchess County...

1851 Census, Canada West (Seymour) lists Cornelius Van Wicklin, 53, laborer, b. CAN, Presbyterian.

http://www.trentu.ca/library/archives/84-020.htm lists the death of Van Wicklow, Carneillius in Seymour Twp. on 30 Nov 1866 with cause of death: drowned in River Trent RNO543